
Showing posts from 2020

Good Glories: Blessed Affirmations

  Blessed affirmations ‘It is well with my soul’ you are complete, peaceful, satisfied, at rest, blessed, rich with many blessings (material and spiritual)content, loved, close with your loving energy that fills your hole with warmth and light. and takes away your cold and a loneness, he is your trust and your strength and he does not give you a spirit of fear. He is true to each promise, Shame is no longer yours, you love youself, and ego is gone. All other things are blown out of the water by Gods love, for it is better than life itself. Nothing can compare to Gods love He IS that love, that ball of energy that puts you at a still.

the battle of good and evil: in your mind

 Negativity bias, evil forebodings, dread, fear, depression. The fixation on negative things. The belief that something bad is going to happen. Anticipation with fear. Worst case scenario mentality. Anxiety, worry. Self sabotage, negative thinking. These are some bad things. And they can be a horrible burden for your life. Fight the GOOD fight of faith, and rid yourself of all this darkness. The negativity bias is the idea that psychologically we focus more on and take more notice of bad things than on good things. We were not designed to experience trauma, pain, loss and suffering by God, so we are extra sensitive to negative events. Therefore we put our focus on them. We were created for goodness, joy and peace. Jesus came to restore these things.                                                             First of all, take Jesus' ...

A Diamond Suffers.

Diamonds are hidden from the spotlight, and endure extreme pressure and extreme heat for many years. In the end, at the right time, they will be displayed under a bright light to show case their beauty. You, Beloved~ are a diamond. You have been through much suffering and turmoil. And for a long time. How beautiful you are! And how beautiful you will become! Your brilliance and glory will last for eternity! I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.  19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. Well done, faithful one...your sufferings are rewarded. Receive your crown
What do I love the most? What do you love the most? Sports, beauty, music, nature...whatever it is, something that can help you love God more is loving the one that CREATED that thing. Imagine how much greater and amazing the Creator is? This can result in a childlike fascination and wonder. When you find a reason to love God more, you are loving God with your mind. That is worship. Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.

~Trader of Hearts~ SPOKEN WORD

Trader of Hearts He is looking for something in particular, something special. This portion of everything, portion of extraterrestrial  He is a pure love, a romantic, the source of all things; beauty and charm. He is looking for your innermost desires, wishes and wants. He is looking for your heart. He is the best, better than gold, better than diamonds If you give him your heart, He'll give you His.  The best love story ever. He is the trader of hearts. The Trader of Hearts is a way maker, miracle worker, and life giver. He's a promise keeper, battle winner and victory owner He is the love of my life and worth the trade of my heart.

Real Faith

Believing in Jesus is easy. A lot of people do. Everybody believes in God. Atheists believe in God, they just refuse to admit it. The have an issue of hating God, being ashamed of God or some other reason. But deep down in our inner core being we all believe in God. We know He is real. Everybody believes in God. But there are few who have FAITH in Him. Faith and belief are not the same thing. They are similar but they are two different things. Believing in Jesus is different from having faith in Jesus. Belief is an intellectual agreement in your mind. Faith is also an intellectual agreement in your mind...But so much more. Faith combines knowledge with action, a love and trust so strong that it spawns action. Faith is a beautiful thing. In the bible it is called a 'mystery'. Faith cannot be dwindled down to a mere belief or intellectual thought. It is walking on water. It is walking into fire without harm...